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OUI' Have Crepes!

OUI' Have Crepes!

Love Crepes? We do too! Try out our version made with our very own vanilla shakes.



Mix all ingredients in a bowl until smooth. Heat on a lightly greased pan over medium-high heat and pour about 1/4 of the mixture in. Tilt the pan with a circular motion so that the batter coats the surface evenly. Cook until the bottom is lightly browned, flip and repeat. Serve and dig in!

Understanding the MTHFR Gene Mutation: Importance and Dietary Modifications
Science Wellness

Understanding the MTHFR Gene Mutation: Importance and Dietary Modifications

In recent years, the spotlight has been on genetics and its role in shaping our health outcomes. One such gene that has gained attention is the MTHFR gene, and its associated mutation. OWYN Registered Dietitian breaks down the MTHFR gene mutation, its potential impact on health, and how dietary modifications can benefit methyl uptake.

Dark Chocolate Cherry Protein Cookie Dough

Dark Chocolate Cherry Protein Cookie Dough

Craving something sweet? Treat yourself to Chocolate Cherry Protein Cookie Dough. The perfect treat for a post-workout snack or a quick pick-me-up during a busy day.

Cinnamon Roll Protein Pancakes

Cinnamon Roll Protein Pancakes

Kickstart your day with Cinnamon Swirl Protein Pancakes. This breakfast option is perfect for hitting your macros while indulging in something sweet. Make in bulk, freeze and microwave when ready for a quick & easy meal prep hack.