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6 Tips to Manage Weight during the Holiday Season

6 Tips to Manage Weight during the Holiday Season

Are you looking to maintain your weight during the holiday season? These 6 tips can help you stay on track.

The holidays are right around the corner, and you know what that means—delicious food… lots and lots of it. It’s hard to say no when someone asks if you want a piece of warm pumpkin pie, a large spoonful of savory mashed potatoes, or a slice of a flavor-packed green bean casserole. So how can you maintain your weight during the holiday season while still enjoying your favorite holiday dishes? Check out these 6 tips for weight management:

  1. Plan ahead. Offer to bring a healthy dish to share at the holiday party. This can help ensure you have one dish that aligns with your nutritional needs and weight goals. And never go to a party starving! Fill up on fruits and veggies before heading out. This will help you make more mindful choices once you arrive at the party.
  2. Protein intake. Boosting your protein consumption is important in weight management because it keeps you full longer and reduces cravings for calorie-dense holiday foods that you are bound to be surrounded by. Try filling up on an OWYN High Protein Shake before heading to a holiday party.
  3. Water consumption. Many times, we think that we are hungry when all we need is a couple sips of water and we’re good to go! By drinking more water, you can reduce overconsumption of certain foods that you are eating during the day as a result of boredom, “hunger” cues, and cravings. Quenching your thirst with water will also help cut down on the sugary beverages!
  4. Try a Weight Management Shake. If you’re looking to manage your weight this season, try replacing one meal per day with OWYN’s Meal Replacement Shake. It provides a perfectly portioned meal with the right macronutrient ratios to keep you feeling sustained and energized. If you’d like to try to make your own Meal Replacement Shake, check out our blog post on how to build your own with ingredients at home. By replacing one meal per day with a nutritious, well-balanced shake, you can feel confident you are getting the nutrition your body needs while staying on track. 
  5. Stay active. Spending time with your friends and family during the holiday season is a special time. When doing so, we tend to revolve our gatherings around food. For your next holiday party, try suggesting a fun outdoor activity that keeps you moving, while distracting you from eating more food after you’re already full.
  6. Portion control. Obviously, we want to eat the typical holiday foods that are rich in flavor and less healthy ingredients because that’s what we look forward to. You can still eat the foods you love but try eating smaller portions – use a smaller plate, add more vegetables, and avoid seconds!

These 6 tips can be your guide to ending the holiday season on a healthy note. The combination of boosting water and protein intake, staying active, and portioning your meals are important components to managing weight.

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