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6 Nutrition Myths: Protein Edition

6 Nutrition Myths: Protein Edition

The most widely favored macronutrient, protein, is an essential component to healthy living. Read on as we debunk some of the most common plant protein myths.

Protein helps with proper growth and development, with the repair and maintenance of cells, and is the building block of muscles. Protein is made up of amino acids, which come in two general forms—essential and non-essential. The essential amino acids are those that we must consume from our diet in order for our body to function properly while the non-essential amino acids are those that our bodies already make for us. When we think of protein, we tend to associate it with animal based products, such as meat, poultry, and eggs. However, there are a ton of plant based foods that provide the sufficient amino acids.

Despite the information we hear from friends, read about online, or gather from unreliable sources, it’s important to fact check. Here are a few protein nutrition myths we debunked!

Myth #1: You can’t get enough protein on a plant based diet.

Fact: There is an abundance of ways to get enough protein on a plant based diet through beans, lentils, nuts, seeds, peas, tofu, and more. Even when you’re on the go and need a quick plant based protein source, you can grab a plant based OWYN Protein Shake. OWYN products consist of a multi-source blend of pea, pumpkin seed, and flaxseeds for a complete essential amino acid profile to promote optimal health.

Myth #2: You can’t be vegan and lose weight because legumes are too high in carbs.

Fact: Despite the fact that some plant based foods are high in carbs, they are packed with protein, fiber, and other nutrients. This allows vegans and vegetarians to stay full for longer periods of time in comparison to those who eat animal products because they contain lower amounts of fiber. In fact, vegans and vegetarians have a lower BMI than non-vegetarians and non-vegans. This goes to show that carbohydrates do not cause weight gain alone, weight gain comes from excess caloric intake. Whether you are vegan or not it all depends on portion size and nutrient density. With plant based diets, there tends to be higher nutritional value, which in turn contributes to fullness and weight maintenance.

Myth #3: Protein only comes from animal sources.

Fact: Protein can come from a ton of plant based sources. The important thing to know is the difference between complete and incomplete proteins. Complete proteins contain all the essential amino acids, while incomplete proteins do not. Some examples of complete proteins include quinoa, tempeh, chia seeds, and hemp seeds while some sources of incomplete proteins include nuts, seeds, whole grains, rice, beans, and vegetables. So how can you create a complete protein from an incomplete protein? The key is to combine plant based sources of protein to create a complete protein. For example, combining beans with rice allows you to achieve a complete protein or OWYN Protein Shakes provide a complete protein source with the protein blend of peas, flaxseeds, and pumpkin seeds.

Myth #4: Animal protein is more easily absorbed than plant protein.

Fact: Amino acids in plants are just as bioavailable as animal proteins. Not only do plant proteins help maintain muscle mass, but they also keep your bones healthy and strong. Plus, the health benefits associated with plant protein outweigh the benefits of animal protein. As long as you make sure to get enough protein, you can reap the benefits of plant protein.

Myth #5: Protein will make me bulk up.

Fact: When it comes to gaining muscle, protein alone will not make you bulk up. The recommended diet consists of 45-65% carbohydrates, 10-35% protein, and 20-35% fat, but these can be slightly altered depending on your health goals. In general, your diet should consist of a balance between these three macronutrients in order to properly gain muscle in a healthy manner. In addition to a well-balanced meal, your lifestyle factors are crucial, as you must take into consideration weight training, sleep, and consistency.

Myth #6: Protein supplements are highly processed and contain unnecessary ingredients.

Fact: This is partially true in some protein supplements. However, this is why What’s Inside Matters at OWYN. OWYN Protein Shakes and Powders are high in vegan protein made from proprietary, multi-source blend of pea, pumpkin seed, and flaxseed to deliver a complete essential amino acid promoting optimal daily health. Unlike other plant based shakes and powders that are loaded with artificial sweeteners, flavors, and thickeners; OWYN is clean and contains easily digestible ingredients help to avoid GI issues without altering the delicious taste people love. They contain fiber, vegan omega-3s, prebiotics, and probiotics—all contributing to weight maintenance, balanced gut health, and blood sugar control.

In Summary...

Protein is extremely essential in the diet and its consumption contributes to long-lasting health benefits. The main takeaways of when you’re consuming plant based proteins is to:

  • Combine incomplete and complete plant proteins
  • Know your plant protein sources
  • Balance your meals
  • Make sure you’re getting enough plant protein
  • Read labels for plant based protein products, opt in for a clean label product.
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