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OWYN 2022 Environmental Impact

OWYN 2022 Environmental Impact

Good for you, good for the planet. By providing consumers premium plant nutrition, we are able to make strides towards our environmental goals together. Read on as we share our environmental impact for 2022.

At OWYN, Sustainability Matters. We're proud to share our 2022 Environmental Impact recap. By providing consumers premium plant nutrition in sustainable eco-friendly packaging, we were able to:

OWYN Environmental Impact 2022

Ditch the whey-Join us this year on the plant-based revolution!

Data Source:

Protein Shakes

Protein Shakes

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Protein Powders

Protein Powders

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Pro Elite High Protein Shakes

Pro Elite High Protein Shakes

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Understanding the MTHFR Gene Mutation: Importance and Dietary Modifications
Science Wellness

Understanding the MTHFR Gene Mutation: Importance and Dietary Modifications

In recent years, the spotlight has been on genetics and its role in shaping our health outcomes. One such gene that has gained attention is the MTHFR gene, and its associated mutation. OWYN Registered Dietitian breaks down the MTHFR gene mutation, its potential impact on health, and how dietary modifications can benefit methyl uptake.